What’s blocking your flow?

If nothing changes. Nothing changes.

We get it. Somethings we can not change (at this time).
Society, patriarchy, racism, our parents, road construction on New York City highways – we have to choose our battles. There may be an infinite number of things we can’t change – but there are infinite number of things we can…

What We Believe

We believe in the win win win win. We believe in the generative power of flow. We believe flow is a human right. We believe that everyone can always be better than they were yesterday. We believe in listening to other perspectives. We believe in treating others with dignity and respect and we are willing to go to the mats to defend that belief. We believe in shattering false dichotomies. We believe we have a divine obligation to live up to our potential. We believe in magic, practice, and effort. We believe that we are better together.